
Thursday 21 August 2008

About Trajans Column in Rome and the savage head hunters...

Now we have all heard of Trajans Column. It's this huge column in Rome depicting the great roman success over the ''barbarians'' who inhabited Dacia. This victory came slowly and painfully for the romans, it took them about 7-8 years to get there, due to the strong defense system the dacians, i mean the barbarians,  had. 

But let's get back to the column, the romans have many records about the Daco-Roman wars describing it as the fight with the savage head hunters who cut their victims heads off and stuck them on poles  No wonder the romans were terrorized by the savage barbarians behind those fortyfied city walls ... well,  except for the fact that on this column, the only savages that are shown cutting heads off and bragging about it, are the romans... This roman column is a public celebration of roman ruthlessness on a really grand scale, about 9 feet tall, depicting over 5200 figurines to be exact.


Now as I said before it is a record of the roman victory over the people of Dacia, the present Romania - the land of the Romans... Now if you are not a romanian, the chances to have ever heard of Dacia are quite slim, and this is so, because it is here where the romans applied the lesson they have learned in Germania 100 years before. 


They decided not only to conquer but to exterminate a whole ''barbaric'' civilization. And the romans did a fine job indeed, because the experts are trying really hard to piece together who the dacians, really were... After conquering the land, they colonized the remaining people, turned them into a province, instituted latin as the provinces' official language, enforced the roman pantheon and renamed everybody. Anyone who didn't agree, well... had to die. Quite simple. After taking all the gold they could find and sending the grand capture to Rome... which made Rome very happy of course... they had a good time exploiting the land for a couple of hundred years, until 275 AD when, the romans, suddenly packed up and left, leaving Dacia to the dacians, or was it, the romanians?!?

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