
Monday 1 September 2008

Sarmisegetusa - Photo Album

Sarmisegetusa - Citadel & Sanctuary

After telling you a bit of the dacian history, it is now time to get to my journeys. The first one I want to share is my trip to Sarmisegetusa, the ancient capital of the Dacian state.  

Sarmisegetusa was the most important Dacian military & polictical centre. Constructed on the top of a crag, the citadel was the heart f the strategic defensive system.  The fortress is formed by huge stone blocks - murus dacicus - which was erected on five terraces, on an area of almost 30,000 m2. The civilians lived around the fortresss, down the mountain on man-made terraces.

Well, these are the facts... but here is the story I found. First of all, I want to tell you that it's pretty tricky to get there. It definitely is a days long trip and you should consider renting an off road, but still, consider yourself warned, the roads in Romania are pretty bad. You can do this all over Transylvania and I promise to post shortly a small rent-a-car list. 
No matter from where you are coming, you need to drive towards Hunedoara County driving down E68 or E79. Sarmisegetusa is on road 68 which crosses E68 in Hateg for example.

There are many road tags indicating Sarmisegetusa, and trust me, no matter how heavy the road is, this trip is definitely worth it. You need to drive up the mountain, because the citadel is situated 1200 m high. Although I would suggest to leave the car and walk. It's a great walk, about 6 miles long, there s a river on the right and a great forrest on the left. What could you want more? 
When you reach it you will find one f the most complex UNESCO monuments. The great Dacian sanctuary. You have to walk along the western gate all the way to the eatern gate which will lead you to a road through the forrest. What you discover behind the huge oak trees is spectacular. ... and by the way, make sure to take some sandwiches and water along because you wont find any deli's up there....

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Shows you where to go if you like mythology and myths of the ancient world! + undiscovered treasures